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Char is an illegal chair .....USATT ??
Posted: November 21st, 2024, 5:19 am
by Cult Leader
For example, the current chair of the board, Richard Char, is on his third consecutive term, and the bylaws say you can only serve two consecutive terms and so he is not legal.
A quote from
Rev. Larry Hodges TT Blog
Re: Char is an illegal chair .....USATT ??
Posted: November 22nd, 2024, 5:31 am
by Meghan CW
In your blog you stated,
"I strongly considered running in the current USATT election."
You should have run.
You would have won as usual
But then you would also have been fired (or quit) as usual
That would be more times than Trump was or would be indicted or impached (including the at least two or more more times Democrats will try to impeach Trump again, just for fun fact Democrats should try a preemptive impeachment before Trump takes office LOL)
Note :- I have no poliical affiliations. Don't shoot me. This is just a joke
Re: Char is an illegal chair .....USATT ??
Posted: November 26th, 2024, 7:05 am
by Pong Frog
Wasn't the entire Board of Directors fired last time ?
Is that something you caused or someone else ? What mischief did you do that time Larry ?
That is hilariously patehtic