Table Tennis Blades (Frames) Databases:- Weights, Dimensions, layer composition etc
Posted: June 26th, 2022, 2:45 am
I saw this website below on internet (Click on link below)
TT Blades Database
Blade (some countries use the word "frame" like in tennis) refers to the non-rubber inner section of a racket made of wood (or wood plus composite material such as carbon) .
The blade contains many layers of different woods and can include composite matrials such as carbon, kevlar , arylate etc but in ITTF rules 85% of the blade must be wood
ITTF Rule :- The outermost layer can only be wood
ITTF Rule :- If one side of a racket is not covered with a rubber on ITTF LARC, then cannot be used to strike ball.
ITTF Rule :- The side of racket not covered by rubber must be painted red or black (or pink or violet or green or bllue) depending on te colour of rubber on other side . Thet both cannot be the same colour & one side must be black
TT Blades Database
Blade (some countries use the word "frame" like in tennis) refers to the non-rubber inner section of a racket made of wood (or wood plus composite material such as carbon) .
The blade contains many layers of different woods and can include composite matrials such as carbon, kevlar , arylate etc but in ITTF rules 85% of the blade must be wood
ITTF Rule :- The outermost layer can only be wood
ITTF Rule :- If one side of a racket is not covered with a rubber on ITTF LARC, then cannot be used to strike ball.
ITTF Rule :- The side of racket not covered by rubber must be painted red or black (or pink or violet or green or bllue) depending on te colour of rubber on other side . Thet both cannot be the same colour & one side must be black