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Re: Long pimple recommendations

Posted: January 4th, 2025, 9:19 pm
by Sara Maria Janina
Pidoa wrote: on January 3 , 2025 at 12:42 AM #1
Hi, everybody i hope anyone have a good recommendation for a long pimple. I primarily want to chop but want to keep the option of a block on the table.
I’ve used some long pimples om also open to short pips if anybody knows one that is good at chopping
The setup I'm planning is:
Blade: Neottec Kanji Def
FH: Victas 401 2mm
Thanks in advance
1. There are no production blades for a chopper in the 4o+ plastic ball ONLY era
The ball size was changed from 38 mm to 40 mm in 2000 and the OFFICIAL ball was changed from celluloid to either celluloid or plastic in 20154 and celluloid was banned as official ball in 2022 I believe
Manufacturers big and small have adopted to these 2 changes for non-defensive blades as almost all market share lies there.
But manufacturers gave NOT adopted to this enormous change for defensive blades because chopper market grew smaller & smaller eve since 1983 due to long pips were first banned in 1983 , then confirmed again 1998 and confirmed 8 more times after that,
Choppers need oversized blades to compensate for the increase of 2mm ball size. This change is enormous especially for defenders. But no production blades are made to compensate for this change
The manufacturers also continue to lie blatantly about blade size calling semi-large blades (165 mm) to be over sized.

If I am not mistaken the blade you are using, Neotec Kanji Def is probably a semi-large blade
Another HUGE problem with production blades for defenders is that very few are asymmetric blade. There are few blades for blockers from Hallmark ( Combination Ultra discontinued) or Dr.Neubauer or Giant Dragon (Kris or Kris 2 or Kris Carbon all discontinued) Or Yinhe T9 etc but absolutely none that are also big enough for choppers.
So your only alternative is to have a custom blade made .
This blade must be at least 170 mm in both width & length and not just length. Preferably 172 mm. Ideally 175 mm. And if you are a modern defender who loops a lot on forehand, an asymmetric blade is mandatory . An asymmetric blade has different layer composition on forehand & backhand. You need a carbon or composite layer closest to the outer layer (and for heaven’s sake no inner layer) but no carbon or composite layer closest to long pips side. You need soft slow layers to maximize dwell time to maximize back spin. (You will hear lot of nonsense about defensive side also being stiff or hard but that is pure myth especially for choppers) .
2. The rubbers deceptively listed by the ITTF on their LARC as LONG are not REAL long pips

There are no LONG PIPS in ITTF table tennis in the 40+ plastic ball ONLY era
But if you want to be brainwashed by the robotNAzi controlled ITTF & the chopper fools who believe it, go right ahead and believe them and be brainwashed.

There were 13 rule & regulation changes by ITTF since 1983 to ban long pips by severely limiting them but deceptively continuing to call them long pips on ITTF LARC to fool the clueless choppers

All the so called rubbers listed on ITTF LARC and considered chopper rubbers are PURE GARBAGE for choppers in the 40+ plastic ball era. These are rubbers like Feint Long 2 or 3 , Victas Curl P1V etc.
But ITTF has very successfully managed to brainwash the fools who claim to be choppers , the ITTF rubbers are God's gift to choppers.
Choppers all the way up from Joo Saehyuk down are such fools that they believe this
Yes, Joo Saehyuk is the REAL GOAT of all of table tennis but he is the GOAT only because of his enormous talent but this is despite his being clueless about blades & rubbers & the oppressive history of choppers by the ITTF before he arrived on the scene just after the darkest days of choppers in 1998
So if you want to lo listen to clueless chopper fools in ITTF brainwashed forums . go ahead and use any so called long pips listed on ITTF LARC.
Unfortunately no REAL long pips are available for choppers in the 40+ plastic ball era that I can recommend
The closest rubbers is Magic 77 (or Reach C801 which is very hard to control mushroom pips similar to Yung 63-9A, the one used in by Deng Yaping though she was not a chopper)

Re: Long pimple recommendations

Posted: January 4th, 2025, 11:15 pm
by Jameisop

You may want to understand first about pip design concepts & what are the best for choppers if you think is crazy
Click on links below

Pip Design Parameters and Playing Characteristics

The Short Pips-Long Pips Malapropisms

Advanced Table Tennis Tactics and Strategies

Think outside the box
Don't be an ITTF chopper clown using fake long pips listed on ITTF LARC
Be a REAL chopper Use REAL non-ITTF long pips