The learning curve for racket sports

To discuss topics relevant mostly to new to internediate players. Ask for advice about tabletennis equipment, playing style advice , strategies etc.
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So spinny
Posts: 1
Joined: January 12th, 2025, 4:40 am
Country: United States of America (USA)
City & State: Annapolis , MD
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Grip: J/K Pen (Japanese / Korean Penhold) RPG (Reverse Penhold)

The learning curve for racket sports

Post by So spinny »

PingPong about 5 minutes
Pickleball about 5 hours
Tabletennis about 5 years

Note :- This is not meant to say anything bad about pickleball. It is a great design for most people enjoy a sport (by removing or minimizing all the real & peceived problems of other racket spots , mostly teabletennis & tennis) . My point is that tabletennis is not for everyone but ITTF and its affilaites want you to believe it is & their continued efforst to turn tabletnnis into pickleball is pathetic. Pickleball's attraction is mostly as some sort of an erotic fantasy of tennis (for those dare I say, who cannot cut it in tennis or tabletennis) , a sport that pickleball seems to be essentially replacing. Tabletennis can never be perceived as that attraction
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