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Biggest & most ignorant quadruple moron (ex) chopper - me

Posted: January 22nd, 2025, 10:20 pm
by James Z
I admit I have been the biggest & most ignorant moron of all choppers

Before blaming other choppers, I would be the first to shamefully admit > I had been the biggest & most ignorant quadruple moron of all of all the choppers by falling victim to brainwashing by the ITTF (& the robotNazis who control ITTF) like 4 times
1.I was first brainwashed by the ITTF & robotNazis into believing that a dumb racket is the normal racket & something is wrong with you if you use a smart racket as a player. In my defense I was naïve & green as a newbie
2. Long pips were banned around 1983 . In my defense I was mostly playing tennis & only started back in table tennis after the Swedish Dream Team 2’s huge win in 1989 as I was always a Borg (& McEnroe & Connors) fan & knew very little about the long pips & initial ban of 1983 & did not even start with long pips since 1991. Little did I have any clue of how Sweden tried to pass “the Identical rubber both sides of a racket rule change” (but failed) in early 90’s to retain its supremacy
3.After 1998 I should have done better research & my due digence & should have better understood the depths of depravity of the 1998 Durban Aspect Ratio Reduction Regulation & the 2004 pip density reduction regulation. But I did not & continued to delude myself that long pips do exist in table tennis . Again though I was trying make a living working I still should have known better but instead continued to be brainwashed by the ITTF
4.I hardly play now due to health reasons (thankfully mostly as preventive precaution) . But after I started playing in tournaments 30 years ago I was still under the spell of ITTF brainwashing till only very recently (like less than an year ago) because though I myself at least started using smart racketsafter my first ITTF brainwashing after 1990, I continued to believe that all newcomers to the sport should start by using dumb rackets (spinny inverted type both sides) . I have now come to realize how stupid the dumb rackets really are for newcomers especially children , older adults & para players. The reason is explained in the topic called (click link below)
Smart and dumb rackets and coaching malpractice