Chop vs chop-block vs block .

So you think you have reached a point nased on your experence, skill level & knowldge of history of the sport that you are well qualified to freely dish out advice on other ITTF worship forums ?
Can you pass this test ?
Hint : The answers to almost all these questions should ne elsewhere in this forum on other sub forums if you look for it. If you want yje wrong or political (and biased) answers look in any of iTTF worship forums
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Posts: 2
Joined: August 3rd, 2022, 11:15 pm
Country: Canada
City & State: Colwood , B.C.
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Playing Style: Loop & block
Grip: Shakehand

Chop vs chop-block vs block .

Post by Furisode »

What are the differences in the context of using anti or actual long pips (or even useless social slim pips on ITTF LARC)
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