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Why Metaxa is an extremist RobotNazi Re: Luka Mladenovic EASILY beats Darko Jorgic

Posted: March 8th, 2025, 5:18 am
by Kenzo
Metaxa wrote: On Tuesday March , 4, 2025 at 10:49 AM #13
Forgive me,
Why should you be forgiven ?
You spew vicious hate in lmost every post you make against players who are not your fellow booster supremacists
Metaxa wrote: On Tuesday March , 4, 2025 at 10:49 AM #13
this is a typical textbook example of how someone who is totally not technically proficient on his BH can still win a match thanks to equipment. His FH did improve I notice.
And Metaxa is a typical textbook example of a robotNazi who has been thoroughly brainwashed into deluding that
1. top spin is & should be the one & only way to play TableTEnnis using dumb rackets
2. Technical proficiency is defined by just how you can play top spin
3. Those who lack technical proficiency (in your own bizarre definiton) should not be playing or enjoying TableTennis

Re: Why Metaxa is an extremist RobotNazi Re: Luka Mladenovic EASILY beats Darko Jorgic

Posted: March 8th, 2025, 5:56 am
by Kenzo
Metaxa wrote:Tuesday March 4, 2025 at 5:34 PM #23
Rinforzando wrote::
yes but he is technically proficient with his glanti on bh. Maybe if he had two backsides he would have a better backhand because no time to spend training with the glanti
Mmmmm, I don't think that either. The movements with his BH are terrible, but it works for him.
I think you are confusing TableTennis with FigureSkating or Gymnaxtics
You are not evaluated in TableTennis on how sexy your strokes "look" like
You get 1 only point regardless of how you win the point.

I know , you hav emade up your mind that should get 5 points for a top spin winner but a back spin winner should get only 1 point .
I see where you are coming from .
Enjoy your fantasies (more like delusions)

Re: Why Metaxa is an extremist RobotNazi Re: Luka Mladenovic EASILY beats Darko Jorgic

Posted: March 8th, 2025, 7:20 am
by Le Mei
Metaxa wrote: On Thursday March 6, 2025 at 2:07 PM #38
Luka, has no technique on his BH

What technique that would be ? Top spin looping ?
Why do you ASSUME that two wing TOP SPIN is tehe ONLY way to play TableTennis

Metaxa wrote: On Thursday March 6, 2025 at 2:07 PM #38
let that be clear.

The ONLY thing that is VERY clear is that you are an extreme robotNazi