Why is OOAk Shop refusing to sell High Aspect Ratio Super Long Pips
Posted: June 26th, 2022, 12:07 pm
Despite repeated requests, OOAK Shop is refusing to sell High Aspect ratio super long pips
The OOAK forum acts as if they are soem sort of crusaders for diversity in tableetennis but they refuse to put their mouth where the pips is.
Only sounds like they just blowing smoke.
OOAKShop could easily take a trip to neighbouring Indonesia and bring in so many varieties of High Aspect Ratio Super Long Pips and distribute them for defensive players worldwide (both at the table blockers & away from the table choppers) but I guess OOAK shop supports the total extermination of choppers the sport by ITTF & will continue selling only those low aspect ratio long pips on ITTF LARC which are compleetly useless in the 40+ plastic ball era. It is not OOAK Shop owner Haggisv does not know this. He does.
Oh Well
The OOAK forum acts as if they are soem sort of crusaders for diversity in tableetennis but they refuse to put their mouth where the pips is.
Only sounds like they just blowing smoke.
OOAKShop could easily take a trip to neighbouring Indonesia and bring in so many varieties of High Aspect Ratio Super Long Pips and distribute them for defensive players worldwide (both at the table blockers & away from the table choppers) but I guess OOAK shop supports the total extermination of choppers the sport by ITTF & will continue selling only those low aspect ratio long pips on ITTF LARC which are compleetly useless in the 40+ plastic ball era. It is not OOAK Shop owner Haggisv does not know this. He does.
Oh Well