USATT Fake Ratings Program on sale

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Abdul Saker
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USATT Fake Ratings Program on sale

Post by Abdul Saker »

The post below was made in MyTT but was deleted
Unknown wrote: on circa November 2022 in ITTF Worship forum called MyTT
The USATT’s "Get a high fake rating" program is still on sale and is available as a bonus for all new members ABSOLUTELY FREE & NO ADDITIONAL COST. USATT board members & committee members were contacted on this 4 months ago, but they have chosen to continue to offer this program for new members.
This least known secret program has been available for new members for a while now. Grab it before the sale ends
Here is how the program works (Sorry for new members only)
1. 1. Enter a 3 or 4 star or 5 star USATT tournament.
2. 2. Enter only the highest rated event such as Open Singles or Under 2300 etc
3. 3. Play only against the 3 or 4 highest rated players.

That is it. It does not matter if you lose every single match. You will get assigned a high rating. Your rating will be slightly lower than your lowest loss

For example if your lowest loss is against a player say 2170, you will get a rating of about 2150 or so.
There are scores of new members who have benefited from this fantastic free fake ratings for all new members program from USATT.
You do not have to believe me. Just go to USATT Browse Tournaments webpage & check for ratings of new member with zero wins, especially at 3 or 4 or 5 star tournaments
The whole USATT ratings database is now a complete joke & you really do not have to win any matches to get a high rating. But this should not matter to you because you get a high rating that you can keep forever. In fact even if your rating drops from 2100 to 1100 , you can tell your grandchildren that once upon a time you were rated 2100 by USATT
If you have been a USATT member for a while and had earned your ratings with some hard earned wins over the years, USATT would like to apologize to you but they feel that it is more important to attract new member participation this way.
Also it does not look like USATT is no longer using the 4 pass system they used for processing tournament ratings. Looks like they are using the same single pass system used for processing USATT league ratings.
But again this should not matter to anyone because the USATT ratings system now is a complete joke now anyway.
If you are tournament director , this is also a great way to bring in higher ratings for your club members as well. You assign a high initial estimated rating for a new member in your club & they will bring in a high rating into your future tournaments in your club. Your other club members can now grab this new members rating since he or she is over rated. This is a win win situation for all other members in your club as well.
I personally highly recommend US Open 2022 to fully take advantage of this awesome bonus program from USATT to welcome new members
Abdul Saker
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Re: USATT Fake Ratings Program on sale

Post by Abdul Saker »

Another posting in mYTT that was deleted
unknown wrote:
USATT ratings becoming a bigger & bigger joke
A few months ago, there was a posting here as to how useless USATT ratings are.
USATT just plain refuses to fix the problem & continues to render the rating system more & more useless by donating ratings to players for just playing in tournaments and not having any wins at all.
I have heard the excuse that this is because the rating results are based n initial ratings are assigned by tournament directors.
This is complete nonsense because in most cases it is inaccurate & some cases outright fraud because local tournament directors over rate their club members & in subsequent tournaments these overrated players when they play in local tournaments later donate these ratings to other club members & this screws up the entire ratings database more & more..
Currently the entire system therefore is a complete joke because some players have gotten ratings well over 2000 when they have not won a single match in a USATT tournament. This extremely insulting to players who start of start from close to their real ratings and move up with some real wins.
All the USATT BOARD members & other committee members have been notified with a detailed explanation of this months ago but the problem continues to persist as of today. Players with zero wins continue to get higher ratings than they deserve.
This is not very difficult to locate on the USATT rating system.
1. Goto any tournament results on USATT ratings page . I went back about 6 months but I do not know how long this has been going on
2. Locate players with 0 initial rating
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Re: Isn't Adris C documented on USATT ratings database ?

Post by Abdul Saker »

Bard Romance wrote: on WWednesday August 23 11:44 Am
Combined with the fact that this completely unknown and undocumented "Adris C"
I may be wrong on this (about Adris C) and if I am I apologize.
Adris C seems to be on USATT ratings database & if is the same person, also comes up on Google searches.
And BTW the fault lies as much with USATT as players if they have gamed the system to obtain fake ratings
It looks like this has been going on for years but USATT has done nothing about this serious issue destabilizing the whole ratings database.

The USATT ratings publicly published database shows Adris C as follows in attachments
He played in 2 tournaments. His initial assigned rating was 2500 No wins
In his 2nd tournament Adris beat a player Keisuke Nishida rated 1940.
But Keisuke Nishida also has no wins at all in USATT tournaments (So maybe anothe fake rating awarded by USATT)

I am not blaming anyone. My point has always been that a player must have minimum of say 5 wins (or 3 wins etc) before a player is given a rating
The 5 wins (or 3 wins) must also be against established players. Of ocurse this is not easy to do & is a pain but also not hard to do, because how many new players with zero wins enter USATT database every tournament ?
adris c match results2.jpg
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adris c match results.jpg
adris c match results.jpg (40.83 KiB) Viewed 1098 times
adris c results.jpg
adris c results.jpg (31.41 KiB) Viewed 1098 times
Loop 32
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Re: USATT Fake Ratings Program on sale

Post by Loop 32 »

This is a known issue for years & I am not sure why USATT has not addressed this.
Obviously more and more players are beginning to exploit this loophole
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