MyTT Assistant Admin stilltt refuses to comprehend differences between pickleball & table tennis

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Margaret P
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MyTT Assistant Admin stilltt refuses to comprehend differences between pickleball & table tennis

Post by Margaret P »

stilltt wrote: at 4:29pm
One of the messages we receive from padel and pickleball is that people like simple and fun. For 100 new padel/pickleball users, how many would have picked up ping pong instead if it was more accessible and easier to learn?

Competing with pickleball means offering the closest to their experience, that is hardbat.

How do we promote it?

1) more hardbat events in tournaments with paddles provided
2) hardbats RR in leagues with paddles provided
3) small hardbat designated area in clubs with paddle and balls provided (open play, people challenge)
4) hardbat nights $1 per person in a bigger hardbat area (open play, people challenge)


more ideas?
Yes. Go see a shrink to address your delusion that tabletennis(even using hardbat) can be an easy sport like pickleball that one can learn to play in a few hours or days
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Re: MyTT Assistant Admin stilltt refuses to comprehend differences between pickleball & table tennis

Post by Marochy »

Stilltt , you need to get a clue.
Pickleball is deliberrately designed to be easy for newcomers to learn quickly by eliminating almost all the spins of tabletennis (& tennis). Nothing wrong with that & This is why obviously more and more older people (or even middle aged folks) especially women are taking up pickleball.

On the otherhand, while anyone can goof around & become masters of basement pingpong or beer pong, formal tableetennis is an incredibly difficult & frustrating sport to learn let alone master even at the lower levels even if it is only hardbat or sandpaper. Tabletennis is one of the most complex individual sport (probably THE most complex individual sport) .
Don't mistake me, pickcle ball is a great invention with brilliant design & possibly the right sport arriving at the right time. It is so much easier to learn initially & sustain, its court size is well thought out & can eb played indoors or outdoors . In fact if they start converting all tennis courts into pickleball courts in apartments & housing sub divisions & some of eth tennis courts in parks etc, that will be almost a death sentence to tennis & mnay tennis players know this & are mad & are making a big noise about all noise of pickleball as an excuse LOL

So if you did not pick up the sport at an early age , it is incredibly difficult to take up tabletennis evn if it is hardbat or sandpaper.

Don't mistake me, hardbat was great before spong domain table tennis arrived. Stilltt's confusion also comes from his lack of underatnding of differences between forehand & backhnad in most racket sport especially table tennis.

So in summary,, if an older player has any chance of enjoying tabletennis, it is in the sponge domain using super pips on the weakside (usually backhand) & ether spinverted or short pips with sponge on the strongside (usually forehand) .
Harbat & samdpaper , on the otherhand are based on the false premise that evenyone should learn to play an all around style & this ignores the diffeences in forehand from backhand in many aspects such as consistency , power , playing style etc. Sponge domain tabletennis allows players to enhance their different but specific strengths on very diffeernt forehand & backhand in most humans.
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