How biased are German & other ITTF Worship forums

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How biased are German & other ITTF Worship forums

Post by Hansi »

A sub forum on German forum is called "Medium and long pimples"
There are many problems with this name
First of all , okder definition (pre 1999) of medium pimples included rubbers from both short pimples asw ell as previous lonmg pimples.
So it gets confusing to include them in a section called "Medium and long pimples"

But a bigger problem is with the sticky top post in this sub forum
The topic is called "Small forum etiquette for the material forum
Oh my God . Does TSC even understand "material" is a very offensive term as used in the phrase "material player"
This phrase "material player" is expressly meant to degrade & belittle players who do not use inverted rubbers.
The implication is that those whoo use mom-inverted rubbers are not atletic & skilled & they just use "materials" to compensate for their lack of skill
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