Twiddler is incorrect about spin in table tennis

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Rozena FX
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Twiddler is incorrect about spin in table tennis

Post by Rozena FX »

twiddler wrote:Sunday 09/29/2024 at 5:21am
Spin is definitely not a real selling point for TT. It's the problem. Excessive spin is what makes 75% of the people who try it say, forget this.
I have to strongly disagree.
Spin i steh most distinguishing cahracteric of table tennis aamong all rackest sports.
Creating & solving diverse spins is the biggest fun & attraction for table tennis.
Spin is what get smost players addicted to table tennis.
So if you do not enjot that table tenni is not teh sport for you.

The real problem is not spin but top spins at excessive speeds created by illegally boosted & spein glued rackets.
The speed should be reduced by reducing the maximum allowed rubber thickness from 4.05 mm down to say 3.5 mm
This will slow the sport down for longer rallies for spectators as well as all players by creating a somewhat more of level playing field fo defenders liek choppers.

Oh I am sorry I forgot, you do not want long pips , nackspin & choppers. My fault. You only want exceeeive speeds & spins with top spin. I understand
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Re: Twiddler is incorrect about spin in table tennis

Post by Mayara »

I believe teh former ITTF president Thomas Weikert tried to push reduced spin with TTX , trying to turn table tennis into pickleball
It failed miserably.
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