Re: What would happen

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Re: What would happen

Post by %Chelsea# »

GregorTT425 wrote: wrote on Wedneday 15 May 2024, 05:00
I have always been wondering what would happen if you put the rubbers sideways or upside-down on your blade.

As we know, the rubber's bottom (where texts are usually) are always inserted to the bottom of the blade (where the handle begins). So, what would happen, if we put them sideways or even upside-down?

I am curious.
Rule Any ordinary pimpled rubber or sandwich rubber covering the racket shall
be currently authorised by the ITTF and shall be attached to the blade so
that the ITTF logo, the ITTF number (when present), the supplier and
brand names are clearly visible nearest the handle.
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Re: What would happen

Post by Allison C »

HaggisV wrote: on Thursday 16 May 2024, 09:03
I would not be legal for one thing,
You did not explain why.
See post above by %Chelsea# about Rule

HaggisV wrote: on Thursday 16 May 2024, 09:03
ITTF info must be included on the cut rubber, .
Yes but you did not say it should be at the bottom near the handle

HaggisV wrote: on Thursday 16 May 2024, 09:03
I don't think you could fit it when glued anywhere except above the handle.
You can fit any rubber sideways but the only problem is that logo will eb on the side or at the top which is not allowed by abobe rule
HaggisV wrote: on Thursday 16 May 2024, 09:03
due to a change in pips alignment, but nothing major.
Vertical alignment is meant for blocking style play.
Horizontal alignment is meant for chopping style play.
How much difference it would make depends on a given rubber (also based on other pip design parameters) meant for horizontal or vertical but this is a moot point since rule requires the logo to be at the bottom near the handle
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Re: What would happen

Post by Tinykim »

There are some Andro pips , that can be legally used in either alignment by properly cutting out the wunwanted logo
Click on link below

Hexer Pips+
Hexer Pips
Hexer Pips Force
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